Friday, May 16, 2014


I think that the whale watch was amazing yesterday and that we got to see many cool amazing things. It was cool to get seasick and eat ginger cookies. The ginger cookies were gross so i bought 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and those were soooo good.  Except kaylin was allergic so i had to wash my hands, but i couldn't get out of the booth so i went under the table. That was interesting. After we finally got 26 miles out which we weren't suppose to go that far, we saw amazing humpback whales. These whales keep slapping there tails down and were making circles and eating fish they were gorgeous animals. The seagulls were pretty amazing too i mean there colors were a  pretty gray and white. I actually saw one poop too. Once we went back i went outside and started tanning but then i got sunburnt and went inside the boat and feel asleep with my main something Allie. we were tired. Embedded image permalinkEmbedded image permalink The project was pretty boring and to be honest i really didn't finish it because i didn't  like it that much.