Report on your Loggerhead Island development proposal by answering the below questions. Include a photo of your plan in your report.
1. What special considerations did you have to make for the nesting sea turtle sites located on the barrier island? We went and put the beach where people go in a different area to where the sea turtles are living.
2. What special considerations had to be made when determining a good site for the proposed fishing pier? We had to make sure that there were enough piers for the boats to be able to dock where ever just in case of emergency. The other thing we were figuring is that if the boats are out at sea and closer to a different dock then can go to it instead of the other one.
3. What could be some of the potential problems that might arise from the proposed golf course? Propose some of the ways in which the impacts can be reduced. Potential problems that might arise are none our island is perfect because it has my name.
4. What are the economic benefits to the community of Loggerhead County if the development was done with the least amount of environmental impact? We don't use cars instead we use golf carts so that way we never have to use gas because they are all electric too, and go the exact speed if not faster.
5. Describe three ways in which humans negatively impact coastal ecosystems such as the one you are working on with Loggerhead Barrier Island. Three ways in which humans can negatively impact the environment is when they fish and or use or bring a car.
6. How can maintaining natural vegetation help us to reduce the damage caused by oceanic events such as hurricanes, tsunami and continued beach erosion? Coastal flooding is largely a natural event, however human influence on the coastal environment can exacerbate coastal flooding. Extraction of water from groundwater reservoirs in the coastal zone can enhance substance of the land increasing the risk of flooding. Engineered protection structures along the coast such as sea walls, alter the natural processes of the beach, often leading to eroisn on adjacent stretches of the coast which also increases the risk of flooding.
7. After listening to the other groups make their presentations, were there any ideas they had you would have used if you had though about it before-hand? You should list at least three different ideas and indicate why their idea is actually better for the environment than yours. One thing i would have done differently is that all villas have pools, the streets have lights and stop lights on them. and when the sea turtles are about to hatch we can have the sound of a siren go off so everyone knows to turn their lights off so the animals find there way. I would change how the golf balls were i would have them dissolve in the ocean, that way we have a better ecosystem. And most defiantly drawn it to scale. other than that our project defiantly won the project.
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